2047 Productions was created by Nat Saenz and David Kania in 2011 following the creation of a short film. Mr. Kania has since moved on to other endeavors, but 2047 Productions has gone on to produce ten short films using all-volunteer casts and crews.
The long-term goal of 2047 Productions is to create a robust volunteer organization that will foster and grow the film community in Southeastern Washington state. Each film provides a learning platform and a creative outlet for actors and crew members to who wish to explore or become engaged in the process of filmmaking.
Director, Producer and Cinematographer Nat Saenz has been a life-long movie aficionado. In addition to his roles in 2047 Productions, he has programmed several U.S. and international film festivals and he is also the Director and programmer of the Tri-Cities International Film Festival (www.TRIFI.org).
Producer, Writer, Director and Sound Designer Greg Martin has worked in radio for more than 40 years. Mr. Martin started his acting career in high school theater and evolved to community theater afterward. An accomplished musician, Mr. Martin manages the sound department and creates most of the music and sound effects used in 2047 Productions films.
Producer, Writer and Director Randy LaBarge is a Master Screenwriter. He has written a number of feature length scripts but prefers developing shorts scripts for actors and crew members who wish to gain filmmaking experience. He also functions as the Line Producer for 2047 Productions.
2047 Productions typically produces one to two short films per year. The films produced to date have received positive reception in numerous film festivals throughout the U.S. as well as in New Zealand and Finland.
(LtoR) Nat Saenz, Greg Martin & Randy Labarge